Monday, July 20, 2009

Shake Your Booty...or like Steven, Your Legs

Thou Shalt Not Touch The Cheek

We all grew up learning about the 10 commandments, but unfortunately, the 11th commandment is often overlooked and not abided (which probably goes the same with the first 10).

That 11th commandment is clearly stated – "Thou shalt not touch the cheek of the baby, especially when he's feeding."

Well, Steven's great-grandmother, Clara, violated that 11th commandment on his second day on Earth. As we all know, hell hath no fury than for violating one of the commandments.

So, upon touching Steven's cheek while Bonnie was feeding him, Donna (my mom) slaps the crap out of her hand – chastising her for touching Steven's cheek and for violating the 11th commandment.

The moment scared the crap out of me, startled Bonnie and stunned Clara. We were dumbfounded upon learning that there was an 11th commandment. I will give you that I wasn't the best student at Sunday school, but I got the gist of the 10 commandments…but that's where I thought it stopped.

Being the nice guy that I am, I promptly touched Steven's cheeks and allowed for Clara to touch them as well. I think at that point she was afraid to touch him because Donna might have tackled her for not holding him properly, as shown in the instruction manual that the hospital gives with every newborn.

Topping the event off was Donna not even remembering the slap she gave Clara – and denying that it even happened.

The truth Donna shall set you free.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Video time!

Here are some videos for you to enjoy from Steven's first month with us...

This is Steven "enjoying" a bath. These are always an adventure and its truly priceless some of the faces he makes.

This is Steven getting ready for his first night in the crib. He squirms a lot in his sleep - so his first night in the crib shouldn't be any different. Last night, we put him in the bed with his head in the same position as in the video. When he awoke this morning, he had spun all the way around and his head was where his feet were.

Steven taking a poo is always an adventure, so we decided to share the looks of contentment after he has unleashed the beast into his diaper. His poo runneth over - filling the diaper and then some.